January 30, 2022

“O LORD, I love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells” (Ps 26:8).

Do you love the church?  Do you love worshiping Jesus with the people of God in the house of God.  The Psalmist most certainly would answer this question with a resounding, ‘Yes’!  He loved the house of God – the place where God’s glory dwells.  There is nothing more important for the people of God than to be in the house of God.  As we gather we commune with our Savior – we enjoy the greatest feast we could ever know – we see the very glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  What riches!!!  And dear brothers and sisters, if you answer ‘yes’ to the questions above, do your weekly habits and priorities reflect the profession of your lips?  May we all love the church – the place where God’s glory dwells.
