Ladies’ Studies
Tuesday Mornings – Ladies meet at the church for fellowship and study with childcare provided. Fellowship time from 9:30-10:00am followed by the study from 10:00-11:30. Currently using Sarah’s Ivill’s study on Romans.
Tuesday Evenings – Ladies meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the church library. Current study: Blessed a study in Revelation by Nancy Guthrie.
Studies usually meet September-May.
Women of Redeemer (WoR)
This is the official organization of the ladies of the church for fellowship, prayer, and service. WoR, under the oversight of the session, oversees various items in the life of the church including fellowship meals, baby/wedding showers, nursery, meal trains, and other social/outreach events. Regular meetings are held quarterly on Monday evenings. All ladies, members and regular attenders, are invited to attend.
Sister-to-sister provides a way to get to know other women from Redeemer by being paired up in twos and given the opportunity to plan fun activities to do together or just scheduling times to hang out each month. There are two or three sessions each year.
Ladies’ Studies
Tuesday Mornings – Ladies meet at the church for fellowship and study with childcare provided. Fellowship time from 9:30-10:00am followed by the study from 10:00-11:30. Currently using Sarah’s Ivill’s study on Romans.
Tuesday Evenings – Ladies meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the church library. Current study: Blessed a study in Revelation by Nancy Guthrie.
Studies usually meet September-May.
Women of Redeemer (WoR)
This is the official organization of the ladies of the church for fellowship, prayer, and service. WoR, under the oversight of the session, oversees various items in the life of the church including fellowship meals, baby/wedding showers, nursery, meal trains, and other social/outreach events. Regular meetings are held quarterly on Monday evenings. All ladies, members and regular attenders, are invited to attend.
Sister-to-sister provides a way to get to know other women from Redeemer by being paired up in twos and given the opportunity to plan fun activities to do together or just scheduling times to hang out each month. There are two or three sessions each year.
Posted In: Adult Ministry