Robert Arendale
Rev. Robert Arendale was born into a Christian family in Nashville, TN. He is ever grateful to his parents for teaching him the truths of the gospel from an early age. He attended Baylor University where he met his future wife, Christy. After graduation, Rev. Arendale and his new bride moved to Raleigh, NC, for a graduate program in Economics. The seeds of ministry that the Lord had planted in college, however, began to take deep root. After much prayer and seeking wisdom from others, Robert and Christy moved to Charlotte, NC, in 2005 for Robert to pursue an MDiv at Reformed Theological Seminary. It was during seminary that the Lord burdened Pastor Arendale’s heart to serve the local church and to preach the life-changing gospel of the crucified and risen Savior. Robert was blessed to serve as Associate Pastor at Ballantyne Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Charlotte for 4 years before being called to plant Cornerstone OPC in NW Houston in 2012. In 2018 the Lord provided an opportunity to serve as Executive Director of the Houston campus of Reformed Theological Seminary. Pastor Arendale considered it a wonderful blessing to teach Pastoral Ministry to future pastors and church leaders. Finally, in 2020 the Lord led the Arendale family north from Houston, TX, to Beavercreek, OH, to serve as Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church. The Lord has blessed Robert and Christy with three wonderful children, Elizabeth, Hudson, and Johnny. Pastor Arendale’s passion is to point people to the all-sufficient savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, who calls sinners to find their true rest and joy only in him. He enjoys all sports, fishing, reading theology, and spending time with his family.